Five years ago I came to Positano
on vacation and was captivated…with the town, the people, the sea. A seed was
planted in my heart that year...that one day I would return and make this my
home. It was a dream that came to be with my best friend, my partner, and
later, the man who became my husband. Years went by and the thought was always
there…Positano….ah Positano. We missed you. 2010 was the year dreams were to
become a reality. Everything seemed to fall into place. Our apartment lease was
coming to an end. All those years of saving were paying off. We were realizing,
finally, that work comes second to Living. Questions did arise….Can we do this?
Should we do this? Are we crazy to just pick up and move from a good life in
New York? But we did not want to look back and think, “why didn’t we?” We had
each other, a dream, and we were going to make it work. So we made a plan. Find
an apartment in Positano, pack up our things in NY and put them in storage,
book a flight and go. Oh yeah, we also decided to get married while we were
here. May 4, 2011, we flew out and it was the best move we ever made. I had a
bit more of a mastery of the language than my husband did back then (now it is
a different story). It was ok though. We would learn. We would adapt. We had
to. It has been the best experience we could have asked for. Although we were
nervous, having no friends here, no true command of the language, we decided
that together we could make this happen. Looking back, it has been about 2
years since we made the decision to come here, and we live with no regrets. We
did get married end of that summer, September 2010, on a terrace overlooking
Positano with our family and friends by our side. Although our families were
sad when we left New York, seeing Positano for themselves made them realize why
we choose to come back here. Positano captivated them as it did us. They
realized what had called us back. Since our first day here we have met
wonderful people and made great friends. I could not have asked for a better
experience. Every day is a gift here. Even the Positano winter— some people here
say it is too calm and quiet— but it feels wonderful to wake up and gaze at the
sea, look up at the looming, now snow-capped mountains and know you are home.
Positano is not only my physical home but where my heart lives. It is where my
dreams came true. DEBORAH